

Interviews with musicians

Essays about music and guitar playing

Music to listen to and play

Fun stuff

Information about your host, Tim Berens




What is the difference between a guitar player and a musician who plays the guitar?  

A musician reads the language of all musicians. A guitar player reads tab.

A musician plays music that touches music lovers. A guitar player shows off for other guitar players.

A musician listens to good music no matter the instrumentation. A guitar player listens to guitar players.

A musician discusses how and why music touches the listener. A guitar player discusses strings, picks, amps and effects.

The guitar player's concept of how loud to play

A musician understands how all parts of an ensemble fit together to create music. A guitar player just turns up so everyone can hear him.

A musician understands the beauty of a few well selected notes. A guitar player just wants to play fast.

A musician can find work. A guitar player sits at home playing fast and fuming because nobody ever calls him.



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